Tomasz was a doctoral student in the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, working under the supervision of Dr Cristian Cadar in the Software Reliability Group. His research interests span across the areas of software engineering, software reliability and systems. In his PhD work, he explored applications of symbolic execution technique to the problems of program input recovery and testing software patches. Prior to joining Imperial, he worked in the telecommunications industry as a software engineer. Tomasz holds an MSc degree from Cracow University of Technology. His PhD studies were generously sponsored by Microsoft Research.

Group Publications

  • On the Correctness of Electronic Documents: Studying, Finding, and Localizing Inconsistency Bugs in PDF Readers and Files

    Tomasz Kuchta, Thibaud Lutellier, Edmund Wong, Lin Tan, Cristian Cadar

    Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE 2018)

  • Shadow Symbolic Execution for Testing Software Patches

    Tomasz Kuchta, Hristina Palikareva, Cristian Cadar

    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM 2018)

  • Shadow of a Doubt: Testing for Divergences Between Software Versions

    Hristina Palikareva, Tomasz Kuchta, Cristian Cadar

    International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016)

  • Docovery: Toward Generic Automatic Document Recovery

    Tomasz Kuchta, Cristian Cadar, Miguel Castro, Manuel Costa

    International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2014)


  • Shadow of a Doubt: Testing for Divergences Between Software Versions

    Tomasz Kuchta

    Conference talk @ International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016)

  • Docovery: Toward Generic Automatic Document Recovery

    Tomasz Kuchta

    Conference talk @ International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2014)