The KLEE workshop is designed to be an informal event, in which participants share and discuss their recent work on symbolic execution, including but not limited to KLEE. As such, the workshop has no proceedings, and consists of a series of invited, solicited and proposed presentations and posters from participants and the organising team.

In past editions, we have received more proposals than we could accommodate, so we had to do a lightweight selection process to ensure a diverse high-quality program.

In particular, we welcome two types of posters:

  1. Posters presenting existing research papers or ongoing work. If presenting an existing research paper, please provide a link to the paper.

  2. Presentations reporting the experience of using symbolic execution in a practical setting, covering both open-source and industry software.

A proposal should include:

  1. The title of the poster, prefixed by “Poster: “. For instance, “Poster: A novel technique for improving constraint solving for symbolic execution”.

  2. A complete list of all co-authors involved in the topic presented.

  3. An abstract discussing the topic of the poster.

  4. A link to previously published work on this subject, if any.

  5. An explanation of the connections with KLEE, if any.

  6. The actual poster, if ready. The maximum allowed size is 10MB. If your poster is larger than this, please resize it or save it at a lower resolution. If you don’t submit the actual poster, please submit a single-page PDF with all the information in bullets 1–4 as the actual submission.

The poster proposals should be submitted on HotCRP at

If accepted, at least one author should register for the workshop before the early registration deadline and attend the workshop in person.

You might also like to check the Call for Presentations.

Important dates

The deadlines can be found here.