Dr. Indradeep Ghosh, Fujitsu
Abstract: This talk will describe the efforts on automatic software testing at Fujitsu using
KLEE-based symbolic execution. Initially
KLEE was extended within Fujitsu to create tests for C++ programs in a tool named
KLOVER. The talk will highlight the subtle modifications to
KLEE required to handle symbolic execution of C++ programs efficiently. Subsequently
KLEE was customized into a tool named
FSX targeting automatic unit test generation of C and C++ programs. This tool addressed some of the performance bottlenecks that were encountered while using
KLEE in an industrial setting. It also implemented a novel technique for automated and fine-grained incremental generation of unit tests through minimal augmentation of an existing test suite. The technique uses iterative, incremental refinement of test-drivers and symbolic execution, guided by a diagnostics engine. Actual use case results will be provided to demonstrate the efficacy of this technique on industrial examples leading to productivity improvements and software quality improvements within Fujitsu.
Bio: Indradeep Ghosh received the Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in 1993. He received the M.A. and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, in 1995 and 1998 respectively. Since 1998 he has been working on various research topics at Fujitsu Laboratories of America in Sunnyvale, California, USA, where he is currently a Director leading a team of 10 researchers working on various aspects of software quality and security. He has authored or co-authored more than 50 technical articles in international journals and conferences and holds over 40 US patents. His research interests include various areas of verification, validation and testing of software and hardware systems.
Dr. Peng Li, Baidu
Abstract: We present ConcFuzzer, a hybrid vulnerability detection tool which
leverages greybox fuzzing and concolic execution in a complementary
manner, to catch deeper bugs in C/C++ programs. Greybox fuzzing system
is inexpensive and effective at catching bugs in realistic software,
however, it is always prevented from exploring deeper code space by
complex checks, and it may also miss some bugs which can only be exposed
dependent on particular inputs. Concolic execution is more expensive and
efficient to expose deeper bugs, but it suffers from scalability issues,
for example, the well-known state explosion problem. By combining the
strengths of the two techniques, we mitigate their weaknesses, relieving
the path explosion in concolic execution and the incompleteness in fuzzing.
We use
AFL and
KLEE, which are both state of art in greybox fuzzing and
concolic execution respectively, to construct ConcFuzzer.
Base on compiler instrumentation
AFL is able to compute and prioritize
inputs, the concrete inputs produced by
AFL are used to guide concolic
execution; once new inputs generated by
KLEE are found, they are
provided to
AFL to exercise new compartments of an application.
In this talk I will introduce the architecture of ConcFuzzer and
extension we contributed to. Notably, we extended ConcFuzzer to well
support fuzzing C++ programs. Our application of ConcFuzzer upon Apollo
(Baidu’s open-source autonomous driving platform) proves its efficacy
and effectiveness. We will further show concrete coverage stats and some
vulnerability discoveries in testing well-known libraries, such as
Libjpeg, mBedtLS
Bio: Peng Li is a staff security scientist in Baidu X-Lab. His research lies in applying static analysis, dynamic analysis and formal verification methodologies to improve correctness, reliability and security of complex software systems. Currently he is building a system named ConcFuzzer which is a hybrid system which leverages concolic execution and greybox fuzzing.